new WfsFeatures()
A data store loading features from an OGC WFS.
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(static) autoLoad
If autoLoad is true, this store's loadWfs method is automatically called
after creation.
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(static) cacheFeatureCount
Cache the total number of features be queried from when the store is
first loaded to use for the remaining life of the store.
This uses resultType=hits to get the number of features and can improve
performance rather than calculating on each request. It should be used
for read-only layers, or when the server does not return the
feature count on each request.
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(static) count
The 'count' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) debounce
Time any request will be debounced. This will prevent too
many successive request.
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(static) featureCountOutputFormat
The outputFormat sent with the resultType=hits request.
Defaults to GML3 as some WFS servers do not support this
request type when using application/json.
Only has an effect if #cacheFeatureCount is set to `true`
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(static) format
The OL format used to parse the WFS GetFeature response.
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(static) layerAttribution
The attribution added to the created vector layer source. Only has an
effect if #createLayer is set to `true`
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(static) layerOptions
Additional OpenLayers properties to apply to the created vector layer.
Only has an effect if #createLayer is set to `true`
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(static) logicalFilterCombinator
Default logical comperator to combine filters sent to WFS
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(static) outputFormat
The 'outputFormat' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) propertyName
A comma-separated list of property names to retrieve
from the server. If left as null all properties are returned.
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(static) remoteFilter
Default to using server side filtering
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(static) remoteSort
Default to using server side sorting
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(static) request
The 'request' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) requestMethod
Default request method to use in AJAX requests
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(static) service
The 'service' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) srsName
The 'srsName' param value used in the WFS request. If not set
it is automatically set to the map projection when available.
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(static) startIndex
The 'startIndex' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) startIndexOffset
Offset to add to the #startIndex in the WFS request.
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(static) typeName
The 'typeName' param value used in the WFS request.
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(static) version
The 'version' param value used in the WFS request.
This should be '2.0.0' or higher at least if the paging mechanism
should be used.
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(static) createParameters() → {Object}
Create a parameters object used to make a WFS feature request
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A object of WFS parameter keys and values
- Type
- Object