new GeocoderComboBox()
Creates a combo box that handles results from a geocoding service. By
default it uses OSM Nominatim, but the component offers all config options
to overwrite in order to other custom services.
If the user enters a valid address in the search box, the combo's store will
be populated with records that match the
address. By default, records have the following fields:
* name - `String` The formatted address.
* extent - `ol.Extent` The extent of the matching address
* bounds - `ol.Coordinate` The point coordinate of the matching address
**CAUTION: This class is only usable in applications using the classic
toolkit of ExtJS 6.**
(static) displayField
The field to display in the combobox result. Default is
"name" for instant use with the default store for this component.
(static) displayValueMapping
The field in the GeoCoder service repsonse to be used as mapping for the
'name' field in the #store.
Ignored when a store is passed in.
(static) emptyText
Text to display for an empty field.
(static) locationLayer
Vector layer to visualize the selected address.
Will be created if not provided.
Name | Type | Description |
locationLayer |
ol.layer.Vector | The layer used for displaying the selected address. |
(static) locationLayerStyle
The style of the #locationLayer. Only has an effect if the layer is not
passed in while creation.
(static) map
The OpenLayers map to work on. If not provided the selection of an
address would have no effect.
(static) minChars
Minimum number of entered characters to trigger a search.
(static) proxyRootProperty
The property in the JSON response of the geocoding service used in
the store's proxy as root object.
(static) queryDelay
Delay before the search occurs in ms.
(static) queryParam
The query parameter for the user entered search text.
Default is 'q' for instant use with OSM Nominatim.
(static) restrictToMapExtent
Flag to restrict nomination query to current map extent
(static) showLocationOnMap
Flag to steer if selected address feature is drawn on #map
(by #locationLayer).
(static) srs
The SRS used by the geocoder service.
(static) store
The store used for this combo box. Default is a
store with the url configured as #url
Name | Type | Description |
store | | The store used for this combo box. |
(static) url
URL template for querying the geocoding service. If a store is
configured, this will be ignored. Note that the #queryParam will be used
to append the user's combo box input to the url.
(static) valueField
Field from selected record to use when the combo's
#getValue method is called. Default is "extent". This field is
supposed to contain an ol.Extent.
By setting this to 'coordinate' a field holding an ol.Coordinate is used.
(static) zoom
Zoom level when zooming to a location (#valueField='coordinate')
Not used when zooming to extent.
(static) addMapExtentParams(extent, projection)
Update map extent params of AJAX proxy.
By default, 'viewbox' and 'bounded' are updated since Nominatim is the
default geocoder in this class. If no projection is passed the one of
the map view is used.
Name | Type | Description |
extent |
ol.Extent | The extend to restrict the geocoder to |
projection |
ol.proj.Projection | The projection of given extent |
(static) convertToCoordinate(v, rec) → {ol.Coordinate}
Function to convert the data delivered by the geocoder service to an
ol.Coordinate ([x, y]).
Default implementation converts the Nominatim response.
Can be overwritten to work with other services.
Name | Type | Description |
v |
Mixed | The data value as read by the Reader |
rec | | The data record containing raw data |
The created ol.Coordinate
- Type
- ol.Coordinate
(static) convertToExtent(v, rec) → {ol.Extent}
Function to convert the data delivered by the geocoder service to an
ol.Extent ([minx, miny, maxx, maxy]).
Default implementation converts the Nominatim response.
Can be overwritten to work with other services.
Name | Type | Description |
v |
Mixed | The data value as read by the Reader |
rec | | The data record containing raw data |
The created ol.Extent
- Type
- ol.Extent
(static) drawLocationFeatureOnMap(coordOrExtent)
Draws the selected address feature on the map.
Name | Type | Description |
coordOrExtent |
ol.Coordinate | ol.Extent | Location feature to be drawn on the map |
(static) onFocus()
Handles the 'focus' event of this ComboBox.
(static) removeLocationFeature()
Removes the drawn address feature from the map.
(static) removeMapExtentParams()
Remove restriction to viewbox, in particular remove viewbox
and bounded parameters from AJAX proxy for nominatim queries
(static) restrictExtent()
Handle restriction to viewbox: register moveend event
and update params of AJAX proxy
(static) unRestrictExtent()
Cleanup if extent restriction is omitted.
-> moveend event from map
-> call removeMapExtentParams to reset params set in store
(static) updateExtraParams()
Update viewbox parameter based on the current map extent