/* Copyright (c) 2015-present The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A data store loading features from an OGC WFS.
* @class GeoExt.data.store.WfsFeatures
Ext.define('GeoExt.data.store.WfsFeatures', {
extend: 'GeoExt.data.store.Features',
mixins: ['GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck', 'GeoExt.util.OGCFilter'],
* If autoLoad is true, this store's loadWfs method is automatically called
* after creation.
* @cfg {boolean}
autoLoad: true,
* Default to using server side sorting
* @cfg {boolean}
remoteSort: true,
* Default to using server side filtering
* @cfg {boolean}
remoteFilter: true,
* Default logical comperator to combine filters sent to WFS
* @cfg {string}
logicalFilterCombinator: 'And',
* Default request method to use in AJAX requests
* @cfg {string}
requestMethod: 'GET',
* The 'service' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
service: 'WFS',
* The 'version' param value used in the WFS request.
* This should be '2.0.0' or higher at least if the paging mechanism
* should be used.
* @cfg {string}
version: '2.0.0',
* The 'request' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
request: 'GetFeature',
* The 'typeName' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
typeName: null,
* The 'srsName' param value used in the WFS request. If not set
* it is automatically set to the map projection when available.
* @cfg {string}
srsName: null,
* The 'outputFormat' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
outputFormat: 'application/json',
* The 'startIndex' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
startIndex: 0,
* The 'count' param value used in the WFS request.
* @cfg {string}
count: null,
* A comma-separated list of property names to retrieve
* from the server. If left as null all properties are returned.
* @cfg {string}
propertyName: null,
* Offset to add to the #startIndex in the WFS request.
* @cfg {number}
startIndexOffset: 0,
* The OL format used to parse the WFS GetFeature response.
* @cfg {ol.format.Feature}
format: null,
* The attribution added to the created vector layer source. Only has an
* effect if #createLayer is set to `true`
* @cfg {string}
layerAttribution: null,
* Additional OpenLayers properties to apply to the created vector layer.
* Only has an effect if #createLayer is set to `true`
* @cfg {string}
layerOptions: null,
* Cache the total number of features be queried from when the store is
* first loaded to use for the remaining life of the store.
* This uses resultType=hits to get the number of features and can improve
* performance rather than calculating on each request. It should be used
* for read-only layers, or when the server does not return the
* feature count on each request.
* @cfg {boolean}
cacheFeatureCount: false,
* The outputFormat sent with the resultType=hits request.
* Defaults to GML3 as some WFS servers do not support this
* request type when using application/json.
* Only has an effect if #cacheFeatureCount is set to `true`
* @cfg {boolean}
featureCountOutputFormat: 'gml3',
* Time any request will be debounced. This will prevent too
* many successive request.
* @cfg {number}
debounce: 300,
* Constructs the WFS feature store.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object.
* @private
constructor: function (config) {
const me = this;
config = config || {};
// apply count as store's pageSize
config.pageSize = config.count || me.count;
if (config.pageSize > 0) {
// calculate initial page
const startIndex = config.startIndex || me.startIndex;
config.currentPage = Math.floor(startIndex / config.pageSize) + 1;
// avoid creation of vector layer by parent class (raises error when
// applying WFS data) so we can create the WFS vector layer on our own
// (if needed)
const createLayer = config.createLayer;
config.createLayer = false;
config.passThroughFilter = false; // only has effect for layers
me.loadWfsTask_ = new Ext.util.DelayedTask();
if (!me.url) {
Ext.raise('No URL given to WfsFeaturesStore');
if (createLayer) {
// the WFS vector layer showing the WFS features on the map
me.source = new ol.source.Vector({
features: new ol.Collection(),
attributions: me.layerAttribution,
const layerOptions = {
source: me.source,
style: me.style,
if (me.layerOptions) {
Ext.applyIf(layerOptions, me.layerOptions);
me.layer = new ol.layer.Vector(layerOptions);
me.layerCreated = true;
if (me.cacheFeatureCount === true) {
} else {
if (me.autoLoad) {
// initial load of the WFS data
// before the store gets re-loaded (e.g. by a paging toolbar) we trigger
// the re-loading of the WFS, so the data keeps in sync
me.on('beforeload', me.loadWfs, me);
// add layer to connected map, if available
if (me.map && me.layer) {
* Detects the total amount of features (without paging) of the given
* WFS response. The detection is based on the response format (currently
* GeoJSON and GML >=v3 are supported).
* @private
* @param {Object} wfsResponse The XMLHttpRequest object
* @return {number} Total amount of features
getTotalFeatureCount: function (wfsResponse) {
let totalCount = -1;
// get the response type from the header
const contentType = wfsResponse.getResponseHeader('Content-Type');
try {
if (contentType.indexOf('application/json') !== -1) {
const respJson = Ext.decode(wfsResponse.responseText);
totalCount = respJson.numberMatched;
} else {
// assume GML
const xml = wfsResponse.responseXML;
if (xml && xml.firstChild) {
const total = xml.firstChild.getAttribute('numberMatched');
totalCount = parseInt(total, 10);
} catch (e) {
'Error while detecting total feature count from ' + 'WFS response',
return totalCount;
* Sends the sortBy parameter to the WFS Server
* If multiple sorters are specified then multiple fields are
* sent to the server.
* Ascending sorts will append ASC and descending sorts DESC
* E.g. sortBy=attribute1 DESC,attribute2 ASC
* @private
* @return {string} The sortBy string
createSortByParameter: function () {
const me = this;
const sortStrings = [];
let direction;
let property;
me.getSorters().each(function (sorter) {
// direction will be ASC or DESC
direction = sorter.getDirection();
property = sorter.getProperty();
sortStrings.push(Ext.String.format('{0} {1}', property, direction));
return sortStrings.join(',');
* Create filter parameter string (according to Filter Encoding standard)
* based on the given instances in filters ({Ext.util.FilterCollection}) of
* the store.
* @private
* @return {string} The filter XML encoded as string
createOgcFilter: function () {
const me = this;
const filters = [];
me.getFilters().each(function (item) {
if (filters.length === 0) {
return null;
return GeoExt.util.OGCFilter.getOgcWfsFilterFromExtJsFilter(
* Gets the number of features for the WFS typeName
* using resultType=hits and caches it so it only needs to be calculated
* the first time the store is used.
* @param {boolean} skipLoad Avoids loading the store if set to `true`
* @private
cacheTotalFeatureCount: function (skipLoad) {
const me = this;
const url = me.url;
me.cachedTotalCount = 0;
const params = {
service: me.service,
version: me.version,
request: me.request,
typeName: me.typeName,
outputFormat: me.featureCountOutputFormat,
resultType: 'hits',
url: url,
method: me.requestMethod,
params: params,
success: function (resp) {
// set number of total features (needed for paging)
me.cachedTotalCount = me.getTotalFeatureCount(resp);
if (!skipLoad) {
failure: function (resp) {
'Error while requesting features from WFS: ' +
resp.responseText +
' Status: ' +
* Handles the 'filterchange'-event.
* Reload data using updated filter config.
* @private
onFilterChange: function () {
const me = this;
if (me.getFilters() && me.getFilters().length > 0) {
* Create a parameters object used to make a WFS feature request
* @return {Object} A object of WFS parameter keys and values
createParameters: function () {
const me = this;
const params = {
service: me.service,
version: me.version,
request: me.request,
typeName: me.typeName,
outputFormat: me.outputFormat,
// add a propertyName parameter if set
if (me.propertyName !== null) {
params.propertyName = me.propertyName;
// add a srsName parameter
if (me.srsName) {
params.srsName = me.srsName;
} else {
// if it has not been set manually retrieve from the map
if (me.map) {
params.srsName = me.map.getView().getProjection().getCode();
// send the sortBy parameter only when remoteSort is true
// as it is not supported by all WFS servers
if (me.remoteSort === true) {
const sortBy = me.createSortByParameter();
if (sortBy) {
params.sortBy = sortBy;
// create filter string if remoteFilter is activated
if (me.remoteFilter === true) {
const filter = me.createOgcFilter();
if (filter) {
params.filter = filter;
// apply paging parameters if necessary
if (me.pageSize) {
me.startIndex = (me.currentPage - 1) * me.pageSize + me.startIndexOffset;
params.startIndex = me.startIndex;
params.count = me.pageSize;
return params;
* Loads the data from the connected WFS.
* @private
loadWfs: function () {
const me = this;
if (me.loadWfsTask_.id === null) {
me.loadWfsTask_.delay(me.debounce, function () {});
} else {
me.loadWfsTask_.delay(me.debounce, function () {
loadWfsInternal: function () {
const me = this;
const url = me.url;
const params = me.createParameters();
// fire event 'gx-wfsstoreload-beforeload' and skip loading if listener
// function returns false
if (me.fireEvent('gx-wfsstoreload-beforeload', me, params) === false) {
// request features from WFS
url: url,
method: me.requestMethod,
params: params,
success: function (resp) {
if (!me.format) {
'No format given for WfsFeatureStore. ' +
'Skip parsing feature data.',
if (me.cacheFeatureCount === true) {
// me.totalCount is reset to 0 on each load so reset it here
me.totalCount = me.cachedTotalCount;
} else {
// set number of total features (needed for paging)
me.totalCount = me.getTotalFeatureCount(resp);
// parse WFS response to OL features
let wfsFeats = [];
try {
wfsFeats = me.format.readFeatures(resp.responseText);
} catch (error) {
'Error parsing features into the ' +
'OpenLayers format. Check the server response.',
// set data for store
if (me.layer) {
// add features to WFS layer
me.fireEvent('gx-wfsstoreload', me, wfsFeats, true);
failure: function (resp) {
if (resp.aborted !== true) {
'Error while requesting features from WFS: ' +
resp.responseText +
' Status: ' +
me.fireEvent('gx-wfsstoreload', me, null, false);
doDestroy: function () {
const me = this;
if (me.loadWfsTask_.id !== null) {