Source: src/mixin/SymbolCheck.js

/* Copyright (c) 2015-present The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * A utility class providing methods to check for symbols of OpenLayers we
 * depend upon.
 * This class can be mixed into classes to check if the dependencies to external
 * symbols are fulfilled. An example:
 *     Ext.define('MyNewClass.DependingOnOpenLayersClasses', {
 *         mixins: ['GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck'],
 *         // the contents of the `symbols` property will be checked
 *         symbols: [
 *             'ol.Map', // checking a class
 *             'ol.View.prototype.constrainResolution', // an instance method
 *             'ol.control.ScaleLine#getUnits', // other way for instance method
 *             'ol.color.asArray', // one way to reference a static method
 *             'ol.color::asString' // other way to reference a static method
 *         ]
 *         // … your configuration and methods …
 *     });
 * Since this sort of checking usually only makes sense in debug mode, you can
 * additionally wrap the `symbols`-configuration in these `<debug>`-line
 * comments:
 *     Ext.define('MyNewClass.DependingOnOpenLayersClasses', {
 *         mixins: ['GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck'],
 *         // <debug>
 *         symbols: []
 *         // </debug>
 *     });
 * This means that the array of symbols is not defined in production builds
 * as the wrapped lines are simply removed from the final JavaScript.
 * If one of the symbols cannot be found, a warning will be printed to the
 * developer console (via `Ext.log.warn`, which will only print in a debug
 * build):
 *     [W] The class "MyNewClass.DependingOnOpenLayersClasses" depends on the
 *     external symbol "ol.color.notExisting", which does not seem to exist.
 * @class GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck
Ext.define('GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck', {
  extend: 'Ext.Mixin',
  inheritableStatics: {
     * An object that we will use to store already looked up references in.
     * The key will be a symbol (after it has been normalized by the
     * method #normalizeSymbol), and the value will be a boolean indicating
     * if the symbol was found to be defined when it was checked.
     * @private
    _checked: {
      // will be filled while we are checking stuff for existence

     * Checks whether the required symbols of the given class are defined
     * in the global context. Will log to the console if a symbol cannot be
     * found.
     * @param {Ext.Base} cls An ext class defining a property `symbols` that
     *     that this method will check.
    check: function (cls) {
      // <debug>
      const me = this;
      const proto = cls.prototype;
      const olSymbols = proto && proto.symbols;
      const clsName = proto && proto['$className'];
      if (!olSymbols) {
      Ext.each(olSymbols, function (olSymbol) {
        olSymbol = me.normalizeSymbol(olSymbol);
        me.checkSymbol(olSymbol, clsName);
      // </debug>

     * Normalizes a short form of a symbol to a canonical one we use to
     * store the results of the #isDefinedSymbol method. The following two
     * normalizations take place:
     * * A `#` in the symbol is being replaced with `.prototype.` so that
     *   e.g. the symbol `'ol.Class#methodName'` turns into the symbol
     *   `'ol.Class.prototype.methodName'`
     * * A `::` in the symbol is being replaced with `.` so that
     *   e.g. the symbol `'ol.Class::staticMethodName'` turns into the
     *   symbol `'ol.Class.staticMethodName'`
     * @param {string} symbolStr A string to normalize.
     * @return {string} The normalized string.
     * @private
    normalizeSymbol: (function () {
      // <debug>
      const hashRegEx = /#/;
      const colonRegEx = /::/;
      // </debug>
      const normalizeFunction = function (symbolStr) {
        // <debug>
        if (hashRegEx.test(symbolStr)) {
          symbolStr = symbolStr.replace(hashRegEx, '.prototype.');
        } else if (colonRegEx.test(symbolStr)) {
          symbolStr = symbolStr.replace(colonRegEx, '.');
        return symbolStr;
        // </debug>
      return normalizeFunction;

     * Checks the passed symbolStr and raises a warning if it cannot be
     * found.
     * @param {string} symbolStr A string to check. Usually this string has
     *     been {@link #normalizeSymbol normalized} already.
     * @param {string} [clsName] The optional name of the class that
     *     requires the passed openlayers symbol.
     * @private
    checkSymbol: function (symbolStr, clsName) {
      // <debug>
      const isDefined = this.isDefinedSymbol(symbolStr);
      if (!isDefined) {
          'The class "' +
            (clsName || 'unknown') +
            '" ' +
            'depends on the external symbol "' +
            symbolStr +
            '", ' +
            'which does not seem to exist.',
      // </debug>

     * Checks if the passed symbolStr is defined.
     * @param {string} symbolStr A string to check. Usually this string has
     *     been {@link #normalizeSymbol normalized} already.
     * @return {boolean} Whether the symbol is defined or not.
     * @private
    isDefinedSymbol: function (symbolStr) {
      // <debug>
      const checkedCache = this._checked;
      if (Ext.isDefined(checkedCache[symbolStr])) {
        return checkedCache[symbolStr];
      const parts = symbolStr.split('.');
      const lastIdx = parts.length - 1;
      let curSymbol = Ext.getWin().dom;
      let isDefined = false;
      let intermediateSymb = '';
      Ext.each(parts, function (part, idx) {
        if (intermediateSymb !== '') {
          intermediateSymb += '.';
        intermediateSymb += part;
        // Check the current symbol's property or method
        if (curSymbol[part]) {
          checkedCache[intermediateSymb] = true;
          curSymbol = curSymbol[part];
          if (lastIdx === idx) {
            isDefined = true;
        } else if (lastIdx === idx) {
          // Special handling for instance-bound methods
          try {
            const parentObj = Ext.Object.chain(curSymbol);
            const instance = new parentObj.constructor();
            if (typeof instance[part] === 'function') {
              checkedCache[intermediateSymb] = true;
              isDefined = true;
          } catch (e) {
            // Handle errors such as constructors requiring arguments
              `Unable to create instance or access method: ${intermediateSymb}`,
            checkedCache[intermediateSymb] = false;
        } else {
          // Method or property is not defined
          checkedCache[intermediateSymb] = false;
          return false; // break early
      checkedCache[symbolStr] = isDefined;
      return isDefined;
      // </debug>

   * @property {Array<string>} symbols The symbols to check.

   * Whenever a class mixes in GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck, this method will be
   * called and it actually runs the checks for all the defined #symbols.
   * @param {Ext.Class} cls The class that this mixin is mixed into.
   * @private
  onClassMixedIn: function (cls) {
    // <debug>
    // </debug>