/* Copyright (c) 2015-present The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A data store holding OpenLayers feature objects (`ol.Feature`).
* @class GeoExt.data.store.Features
Ext.define('GeoExt.data.store.Features', {
extend: 'GeoExt.data.store.OlObjects',
mixins: ['GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck'],
// <debug>
symbols: [
// </debug>
model: 'GeoExt.data.model.Feature',
config: {
* Initial layer holding features which will be added to the store.
* The layer object which is in sync with this store.
* The layer needs to be constructed with an ol.source.Vector that
* has an ol.Collection (constructor option `features` was set to
* an ol.Collection).
* @property {ol.layer.Vector} layer Layer to be in sync with store
* @readonly
layer: null,
* A map object to which a possible #layer will be added.
* @cfg {ol.Map}
map: null,
* Setting this flag to `true` will create a vector #layer with the
* given #features and adds it to the given #map (if available).
* @cfg {boolean}
createLayer: false,
* Shows if the #layer has been created by constructor.
* @private
* @property {boolean} layerCreated Layer created flag
layerCreated: false,
* An OpenLayers 3 style object to style the vector #layer representing
* the features of this store.
* @cfg {ol.Style}
style: null,
* Initial set of features. Has to be an `ol.Collection` object with
* `ol.Feature` objects in it.
* @cfg {ol.Collection}
features: null,
* Setting this flag to true the filter of the store will be
* applied to the underlying vector #layer.
* This will only have an effect if the source of the #layer is NOT
* configured with an 'url' parameter.
* @cfg {boolean}
passThroughFilter: false,
* Constructs the feature store.
* @param {Object} config The configuration object.
constructor: function (config) {
const me = this;
me.onOlCollectionAdd = me.onOlCollectionAdd.bind(me);
me.onOlCollectionRemove = me.onOlCollectionRemove.bind(me);
const cfg = config || {};
if (me.style === null) {
me.style = new ol.style.Style({
image: new ol.style.Circle({
radius: 6,
fill: new ol.style.Fill({
color: '#3399CC',
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: '#fff',
width: 2,
if (cfg.features !== undefined && cfg.layer !== undefined) {
throw new Error(
'GeoExt.data.store.Features should only be' +
' configured with one or less of `features` and `layer`.',
const configErrorMessage =
'GeoExt.data.store.Features needs to be' +
' configured with a feature collection or with a layer with a' +
' source with a feature collection.';
if (cfg.features === undefined && cfg.layer === undefined) {
cfg.data = new ol.Collection();
} else if (cfg.features !== undefined) {
if (!(cfg.features instanceof ol.Collection)) {
throw new Error('Features are not a collection. ' + configErrorMessage);
cfg.data = cfg.features;
} else {
if (!(cfg.layer instanceof ol.layer.BaseVector)) {
throw new Error('Layer is no vector layer. ' + configErrorMessage);
if (!cfg.layer.getSource()) {
throw new Error('Layer has no source. ' + configErrorMessage);
const features = cfg.layer.getSource().getFeaturesCollection();
if (!features) {
throw new Error('Source has no collection. ' + configErrorMessage);
cfg.data = features;
// create a vector layer and add to map if configured accordingly
if (me.createLayer === true && !me.layer) {
this.olCollection.on('add', this.onOlCollectionAdd);
this.olCollection.on('remove', this.onOlCollectionRemove);
if (me.passThroughFilter === true) {
me.on('filterchange', me.onFilterChange);
* Forwards changes to the `ol.Collection` to the Ext.data.Store.
* @param {ol.CollectionEvent} evt The event emitted by the `ol.Collection`.
* @private
onOlCollectionAdd: function (evt) {
const target = evt.target;
const element = evt.element;
const idx = Ext.Array.indexOf(target.getArray(), element);
if (!this.__updating) {
this.insert(idx, element);
* Forwards changes to the `ol.Collection` to the Ext.data.Store.
* @param {ol.CollectionEvent} evt The event emitted by the `ol.Collection`.
* @private
onOlCollectionRemove: function (evt) {
const element = evt.element;
const idx = this.findBy(function (rec) {
return rec.olObject === element;
if (idx !== -1) {
if (!this.__updating) {
applyFields: function (fields) {
const me = this;
if (fields) {
* Returns the FeatureCollection which is in sync with this store.
* @return {ol.Collection} The underlying OpenLayers `ol.Collection` of
* `ol.Feature`.
getFeatures: function () {
return this.olCollection;
* Returns the record corresponding to a feature.
* @param {ol.Feature} feature An ol.Feature object to get the record for
* @return {Ext.data.Model} The model instance corresponding to the feature
getByFeature: function (feature) {
return this.getAt(
this.findBy(function (record) {
return record.getFeature() === feature;
* Overwrites the destroy function to ensure the #layer is removed from
* the #map when it has been created automatically while construction in
* case of destruction of this store.
* @protected
destroy: function () {
this.olCollection.un('add', this.onCollectionAdd);
this.olCollection.un('remove', this.onCollectionRemove);
const me = this;
if (me.map && me.layerCreated === true) {
* Draws the given #features on the #map.
* @private
drawFeaturesOnMap: function () {
const me = this;
// create a layer representation of our features
me.source = new ol.source.Vector({
features: me.getFeatures(),
me.layer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: me.source,
style: me.style,
// add layer to connected map, if available
if (me.map) {
me.layerCreated = true;
* Handles the 'filterchange'-event.
* Applies the filter of this store to the underlying layer.
* @private
onFilterChange: function () {
const me = this;
if (me.layer && me.layer.getSource() instanceof ol.source.Vector) {
if (!me.__updating) {
me.__updating = true;
// add the filtered features to the collection
me.each(function (rec) {
delete me.__updating;