Source: src/data/store/Layers.js

/* Copyright (c) 2015-present The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
 * A store that synchronizes a collection of layers (e.g. of an OpenLayers.Map)
 * with a layer store holding instances.
 * @class
Ext.define('', {
  extend: '',
  alternateClassName: [''],
  requires: [''],

  mixins: ['GeoExt.mixin.SymbolCheck'],

  // <debug>
  symbols: [
  // </debug>

  model: '',

  config: {
     * An OL map instance, whose layers will be managed by the store.
     * @cfg {ol.Map} map
    map: null,

     * A collection of ol.layer.Base objects, which will be managed by
     * the store.
     * @cfg {ol.Collection} layers
    layers: null,

     * An optional function called to filter records used in changeLayer
     * function
     * @cfg {Function} changeLayerFilterFn
    changeLayerFilterFn: null,

   * Constructs an instance of the layer store.
   * @param {Object} config The configuration object.
  constructor: function (config) {
    const me = this;

    me.onAddLayer = me.onAddLayer.bind(me);
    me.onRemoveLayer = me.onRemoveLayer.bind(me);
    me.onChangeLayer = me.onChangeLayer.bind(me);


    if ( {
    } else if (config.layers) {

   * Bind this store to a collection of layers; once bound, the store is
   * synchronized with the layer collection and vice-versa.
   * @param  {ol.Collection} layers The layer collection (`ol.layer.Base`).
   * @param  {ol.Map} map Optional map from which the layers were derived
  bindLayers: function (layers, map) {
    const me = this;

    if (!me.layers) {
      me.layers = layers;

    if (me.layers instanceof ol.layer.Group) {
      me.layers = me.layers.getLayers();

    const mapLayers = me.layers;
    mapLayers.forEach(function (layer) {
      me.loadRawData(layer, true);

    mapLayers.forEach(function (layer) {
      me.bindLayer(layer, me.getByLayer(layer));
    mapLayers.on('add', me.onAddLayer);
    mapLayers.on('remove', me.onRemoveLayer);

      load: me.onLoad,
      clear: me.onClear,
      add: me.onAdd,
      remove: me.onRemove,
      update: me.onStoreUpdate,
      scope: me,
      replace: me.onReplace,
      scope: me,
    me.fireEvent('bind', me, map);

   * Bind this store to a map instance; once bound, the store is synchronized
   * with the map and vice-versa.
   * @param {ol.Map} map The map instance.
  bindMap: function (map) {
    const me = this;

    if (! { = map;

    if (map instanceof ol.Map) {
      const mapLayers = map.getLayers();
      me.bindLayers(mapLayers, map);

   * Bind the layer to the record and initialize synchronized values.
   * @param {ol.layer.Base} layer The layer.
   * @param {} record The record, if not set it will be
   *      searched for.
  bindLayer: function (layer, record) {
    const me = this;
    layer.on('propertychange', me.onChangeLayer);
    Ext.Array.forEach(record.synchronizedProperties, function (prop) {
      me.synchronize(record, layer, prop);

   * Unbind this store from the layer collection it is currently bound.
  unbindLayers: function () {
    const me = this;

    if (me.layers) {
      me.layers.un('add', me.onAddLayer);
      me.layers.un('remove', me.onRemoveLayer);
    me.un('load', me.onLoad, me);
    me.un('clear', me.onClear, me);
    me.un('add', me.onAdd, me);
    me.un('remove', me.onRemove, me);
    me.un('update', me.onStoreUpdate, me);'replace', me.onReplace, me);

   * Unbind this store from the map it is currently bound.
  unbindMap: function () {
    const me = this;

    me.unbindLayers(); = null;

   * Handler for layer changes. When layer order changes, this moves the
   * appropriate record within the store.
   * @param {ol.ObjectEvent} evt The emitted `ol.Object` event.
   * @private
  onChangeLayer: function (evt) {
    const layer =;
    const filter = this.changeLayerFilterFn
      ? this.changeLayerFilterFn.bind(layer)
      : undefined;
    const record = this.getByLayer(layer, filter);

    if (record !== undefined) {
      if (evt.key === 'description') {
        record.set('qtip', layer.get('description'));
        if (record.synchronizedProperties.indexOf('description') > -1) {
          this.synchronize(record, layer, 'description');
      } else if (record.synchronizedProperties.indexOf(evt.key) > -1) {
        this.synchronize(record, layer, evt.key);
      } else {
        this.fireEvent('update', this, record,, null, {});

   * Handler for a layer collection's `add` event.
   * @param {ol.CollectionEvent} evt The emitted `ol.Collection` event.
   * @private
  onAddLayer: function (evt) {
    const layer = evt.element;
    const index = this.layers.getArray().indexOf(layer);
    const me = this;
    if (!me._adding) {
      me._adding = true;
      const result =;
      me.insert(index, result.records);
      delete me._adding;
    me.bindLayer(layer, me.getByLayer(layer));

   * Handler for layer collection's `remove` event.
   * @param {ol.CollectionEvent} evt The emitted `ol.Collection` event.
   * @private
  onRemoveLayer: function (evt) {
    const me = this;
    if (!me._removing) {
      const layer = evt.element;
      const rec = me.getByLayer(layer);
      if (rec) {
        me._removing = true;
        layer.un('propertychange', me.onChangeLayer);
        delete me._removing;

   * Handler for a store's `load` event.
   * @param {} store The store that loaded.
   * @param { | Array<>} records An array of loaded model
   *      instances.
   * @param {boolean} successful Whether loading was successful or not.
   * @private
  onLoad: function (store, records, successful) {
    const me = this;
    if (successful) {
      if (!Ext.isArray(records)) {
        records = [records];
      if (!me._addRecords) {
        me._removing = true;
        me.layers.forEach(function (layer) {
          layer.un('propertychange', me.onChangeLayer);
        delete me._removing;
      const len = records.length;
      if (len > 0) {
        const layers = new Array(len);
        for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          const record = records[i];
          layers[i] = record.getOlLayer();
          me.bindLayer(layers[i], record);
        me._adding = true;
        delete me._adding;
    delete me._addRecords;

   * Handler for a store's `clear` event.
   * @private
  onClear: function () {
    const me = this;
    me._removing = true;
    me.layers.forEach(function (layer) {
      layer.un('propertychange', me.onChangeLayer);
    delete me._removing;

   * Handler for a store's `add` event.
   * @param {} store The store to which a model instance was
   *     added.
   * @param {Array<>} records The array of model instances that were
   *     added.
   * @param {number} index The index at which the model instances were added.
   * @private
  onAdd: function (store, records, index) {
    const me = this;
    if (!me._adding) {
      me._adding = true;
      let layer;
      for (let i = 0, ii = records.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        layer = records[i].getOlLayer();
        me.bindLayer(layer, records[i]);
        if (index === 0) {
        } else {
          me.layers.insertAt(index, layer);
      delete me._adding;

   * Handler for a store's `remove` event.
   * @param {} store The store from which a model instances
   *     were removed.
   * @param {Array<>} records The array of model instances that were
   *     removed.
   * @private
  onRemove: function (store, records) {
    const me = this;
    let record;
    let layer;
    let found;
    let i;
    let ii;

    if (!me._removing) {
      const compareFunc = function (el) {
        if (el === layer) {
          found = true;
      for (i = 0, ii = records.length; i < ii; ++i) {
        record = records[i];
        layer = record.getOlLayer();
        found = false;
        layer.un('propertychange', me.onChangeLayer);
        if (found) {
          me._removing = true;
          delete me._removing;

   * Handler for a store's `update` event.
   * @param {} store The store which was updated.
   * @param {} record The updated model instance.
   * @param {string} operation The operation, either,
   * or
   * @param {Array<string> | null} modifiedFieldNames The fieldnames that were
   *     modified in this operation.
   * @private
  onStoreUpdate: function (store, record, operation, modifiedFieldNames) {
    const me = this;
    if (operation === {
      if (modifiedFieldNames) {
        const layer = record.getOlLayer();
        Ext.Array.forEach(modifiedFieldNames, function (prop) {
          if (record.synchronizedProperties.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
            me.synchronize(layer, record, prop);

   * Removes a record's layer from the bound map.
   * @param {} record The removed model instance.
   * @private
  removeMapLayer: function (record) {

   * Handler for a store's data collections' `replace` event.
   * @param {string} key The associated key.
   * @param {} oldRecord In this case, a record that has
   *     been replaced.
   * @private
  onReplace: function (key, oldRecord) {

   * Get the record for the specified layer.
   * @param {ol.layer.Base} layer The layer to get a model instance for.
   * @param {function( boolean} [filterFn] A filter function
   * @return {} The corresponding model instance or undefined if
   *     not found.
  getByLayer: function (layer, filterFn) {
    const me = this;
    let index;
    if (me.getData()) {
      if (Ext.isFunction(filterFn)) {
        index = me.findBy(filterFn);
      } else {
        index = me.findBy(function (rec) {
          return rec.getOlLayer() === layer;
      if (index > -1) {
        return me.getAt(index);

   * Unbinds listeners by calling #unbindMap (thus #unbindLayers) prior to
   * being destroyed.
   * @private
  destroy: function () {
    // unbindMap calls unbindLayers

   * Overload loadRecords to set a flag if `addRecords` is `true` in the load
   * options. ExtJS does not pass the load options to "load" callbacks, so
   * this is how we provide that information to `onLoad`.
   * @param {Array<>} records The array of records to load.
   * @param {Object} options The loading options.
   * @param {boolean} [options.addRecords=false] Pass `true` to add these
   *     records to the existing records, `false` to remove the Store's
   *     existing records first.
   * @private
  loadRecords: function (records, options) {
    if (options && options.addRecords) {
      this._addRecords = true;

   * The event firing behaviour of Ext.4.1 is reestablished here. See also:
   * [This discussion on the Sencha forum](
   * showthread.php?253596-beforeload-is-not-fired-by-loadRawData).
   * @inheritdoc
  loadRawData: function (data, append) {
    const me = this;
    const result =;
    const records = result.records;

    if (result.success) {
      me.totalCount =;
      me.loadRecords(records, append ? me.addRecordsOptions : undefined);
      me.fireEvent('load', me, records, true);

   * This function synchronizes a value, but only sets it if it is different.
   * @param {|ol.layer.Base} destination The destination.
   * @param {|ol.layer.Base} source The source.
   * @param {string} prop The property that should get synchronized.
  synchronize: function (destination, source, prop) {
    const value = source.get(prop);
    if (value !== destination.get(prop)) {
      destination.set(prop, value);