new OverviewMap()
An GeoExt.component.OverviewMap displays an overview map of a parent map.
You can use this component as any other Ext.Component, e.g give it as an item
to a panel.
- Source:
var olMap = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-8.751278, 40.611368]),
zoom: 12,
rotation: -Math.PI / 6
var mapComponent = Ext.create('GeoExt.component.Map', {
map: olMap
var mapPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
title: 'Map',
region: 'center',
layout: 'fit',
items: mapComponent
var overviewMapPanel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
title: 'OverviewMap',
region: 'west',
layout: 'fit',
width: 160,
// create the overview by passing the ol.Map:
items: Ext.create('GeoExt.component.OverviewMap', {
parentMap: olMap
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
height: 300,
layout: 'border',
items: [mapPanel, overviewMapPanel],
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
(static) applyAnchorStyle(style) → {ol.Style}
The applier for the anchor style.
Name | Type | Description |
style |
ol.Style | The new style for the anchor feature that was set. |
- Source:
The new style for the anchor feature.
- Type
- ol.Style
(static) applyBoxStyle(style) → {ol.Style}
The applier for the box style.
Name | Type | Description |
style |
ol.Style | The new style for the box feature that was set. |
- Source:
The new style for the box feature.
- Type
- ol.Style
(static) applyEnableBoxDrag(shallEnableBoxDrag) → {boolean}
The applier for the #enableBoxDrag configuration. Takes care of initially
setting up an interaction if desired or destroying when dragging is not
Name | Type | Description |
shallEnableBoxDrag |
boolean | The value for #enableBoxDrag that was set. |
- Source:
The value for #enableBoxDrag that was passed.
- Type
- boolean
(static) applyRecenterOnClick(shallRecenter) → {boolean}
The applier for the #recenterOnClick configuration. Takes care of
initially registering an appropriate eventhandler and also unregistering
if the property changes.
Name | Type | Description |
shallRecenter |
boolean | The value for #recenterOnClick that was set. |
- Source:
The value for #recenterOnClick that was passed.
- Type
- boolean
(static) constructor()
The constructor of the OverviewMap component.
- Source:
(static) destroyDragBehaviour()
Disable / destroy everything we need to be able to drag the extent box on
the overview map. Unregisters any events we might have added and removes
the `ol.interaction.Translate`.
- Source:
(static) disableBoxUpdate()
Disables the update of the box by unbinding the updateBox function
from the postrender event of the parent map.
- Source:
(static) enableBoxUpdate()
Enables the update of the box by binding the updateBox function
to the postrender event of the parent map.
- Source:
(static) initComponent()
Initializes the GeoExt.component.OverviewMap.
- Source:
(static) onBeforeDestroy()
Cleanup any listeners we may have bound.
- Source:
(static) recenterParentFromBox()
Recenters the #parentMap to the center of the extent of the #boxFeature.
Called when dragging of the #boxFeature ends.
- Source:
(static) repositionAnchorFeature()
Repositions the #anchorFeature during dragging sequences of the box.
Called while the #boxFeature is being dragged.
- Source:
(static) setOverviewMapProperty(key)
Set an OverviewMap property (center or resolution).
Name | Type | Description |
key |
string | The name of the property, either `'center'` or `'resolution'` |
- Source:
(static) setupDragBehaviour()
Enable everything we need to be able to drag the extent box on the
overview map, and to properly handle drag events (e.g. recenter on
finished dragging).
- Source:
(static) updateBox()
Updates the Geometry of the extentLayer.
- Source: